This, slips are the inevitable part of the payroll process. Pay slips are basically presented in a tabular form for the clear featuring of all the components. These slips are the proofs of the salary payments to the employees.

This salary payments are usually for a every month and the pay slips are either given through mails or printed in paper. Often there are few deductions from the salary for other facilities that are mentioned in the salary slip. There are also bonus provisions, which is paid on special occasions i.e. This piece of paper is the detailed description of the employee salary components like, Name of the Company, Date of Joining, Pay Slip, Month, Name, Identification Number, Gross Salary, Basic Salary, HRA, TDS, Allowances, PFs, etc.

Salary Slip also known as a pay slip, is a form, which is issued by the employer for the employees. In addition to this, it is equally important to keep a record of the payments and details related to that. It is important to pay the salary of the employees on time for disciplined functioning of a company.